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Faculty Portal



Your Faculty Portal username is your school ( @ cwc . edu ) email address.  If you have not previously setup a password, you can use the Forgot Password button or email and I can reset your password.  


Once you are logged in, at the top of the Faculty Portal page is a drop-down menu, be sure it shows the current term you are adopting books for. 


If your class does not require a textbook just click on the check box that says "No Text Required" without even opening up the class. (You must either input books/required materials or check that box!)

To add course materials, click on your course and it will ask you if you wish to add textbooks or supplies.

Use the add book tab to enter an ISBN directly.  The system will ask if it is required or optional, if there is an access code, if it must be new or if used is ok with you, and there is a box for any other notes for the bookstore.

Just click on the line item you want and then use the green "Add Selected To Course" button and it will add any books, codes, etc; that have been selected to that course ONLY. You can use the Previously Used tab once you've opened your course, to quickly import any textbooks you have used in past semesters. (Coming in 2021).


For multiple sections of the same course that you want to have the same book you can use the Copy tab.  You must open the course containing the materials you wish to copy and select all materials and all sections under the Copy tab and use the “Copy Selected to Course” button. There is also a search tab to search for a book by title if you are unsure of the ISBN information.


Please be sure to review your textbook orders for accuracy.  If we encounter any issues with your course adoption we will contact you directly. 
If you need more help past this page use the "Faculty Portal Help" option in the top right drop down menu.


A letter to the CWC Faculty about Faculty Portal:


"Hello CWC Staff and Faculty!

Please keep your emails from Faculty Portal! They will include a username and password for you to login to do your book adoptions! Please feel free to log in to Faculty Portal at your earliest convenience, so you get an idea of how it's going to look.  Don't lose your Faculty Portal username and password email! It may be sent to spam, but it's important that you keep this information, as it is how we will be doing book adoptions from here on out. If you submit book adoptions any other way, there is a chance your books will not be input into our system correctly, so please give me a call or come by the store if you need help! 

Remember, access codes are to be entered as books. Non-textbook items would be specific supplies, like a calculator, nursing supplies, film, or a certain brand of an item you prefer. We will list it under your course/section on our website and order it as a required supply for your class. Keep in mind, if we order any item that is required for your class, it is the expectation that all students in your class come to the bookstore first to get those required items. This includes books.

If students share books or supplies, shoot me an email or include that in the "notes for bookstore" box when doing adoptions so I can order the correct quantities. I will be sending more emails on how to use Faculty Portal in the next few weeks.

Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding as we transition into a new and exciting system for a more streamlined textbook adoptions process.


Best Wishes, 


CWC Bookstore"  

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